Take the first step to living out your call.
Why Choose Us?
ACHETS Missionary University ranked Top, and among the 12 best Bible colleges in Nigeria. AMU, established in 2021, in Lagos, Nigeria. AMU is a higher education institution with a strong emphasis on Christian missions and programmes dedicated to training Christian missionaries. It produces men and women who are trained to serve through quality Bible and theology classes. They are also equipped to serve through the development of Christlike character and guided Christian service.
Students pursuing a degree will take classes, participate in outreaches, and in various activities. At AMU, there is an abundance of opportunities for service trips.
Students who study at AMU have the opportunity to get connected to different churches, have a different perspective and do ministry in a different way.
In addition, AMU collaborates with Biblical University to award dual degree certification. We maintain membership and institutional accreditation status with Association for Christian Higher Education and Theological Schools. These positions allow us to maintain a respected level of academic excellence, while at the same time keeping our fees well within the reach of most men and women in ministry. It also means that if our students and graduates should find it necessary to earn a degree from a fully accredited institution, we have the privilege of being able to recommend them to a Graduate school.
Prospective Students
IMPORTANT: After your application and enrollment fees are paid, your registration will be confirmed. Depending on the time of the week, this process may take a few days. However, If you do not get an email from us, be sure to check your spam and trash folders. If we call you or leave a message, please let us know by phone or email that you received our call. In the meantime, if you need to reach to us for any reason, please contact us HERE.
If you are enrolling to pursue dual degree certification you must complete the application process with Biblical University, HERE or apply for the double degree programme by completing the ACHETS Missionary University application form
Admission Requirements and Additional Information